🐺 Apr 22 - This Week Has Us Dancing!

All the San Diego happenings you should know about

Organizing events is a bit of a dance. It requires balance. How much structure should there be? Is networking left up to the attendees or facilitated? Will there be dancing?

Events can be meticulously planned, like Saas Diego (which, disclaimer, the Coyote helped to organize) with time for a panel, break outs, live pitches, food and drinks. The feedback about the structure was positive! Howl yeah. Points for structure and planning.

On the other hand, events like Founders Hike or North County Founders Meetup are extremely casual and the expectation is to show up and leave your growls at the door. And these events are extremely successful too! Point for casual and minimal structure.

I think there are a few things in common if we were to oversimplify:

  • The organizers found a need in the community

  • They brought a great group of people together

  • There’s no hidden agenda

  • And there is a mission to get people dancing, err connecting

Here are all the happenings that’ll have us dancing this week:

🐺 Tuesday April 23

🐺 Wednesday April 24

🐺 Thursday April 25

🐺 Friday April 26

🐺 Saturday April 27

1 easy way to help our San Diego event organizers:
share a cool event you found in the Social Coyote

Here’s what’s happening next week:

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