šŸŗ Apr 29 - Finding Your Pack

All the San Diego happenings you should know about

A good friend told me he plays this game at networking events:

As the event warms up, he goes searching for coyotes! We usually have pack members prowling around San Diego events hiding in plain site. Often times, they donā€™t have furry ears (but some do have tees).

I donā€™t think heā€™s letting out a thunderous howl to find them, though that would really tickle my whiskers.

But this game-approach makes sense, just like at parties when thereā€™s something to play, we can relax and settle into the activity. So searching for Social Coyotes is a clever way to ease into networking.

I donā€™t think heā€™s invented a hand shake yet (coyote claw?). But paw bump might be coming soon!

Even if this isnā€™t your type of game and you have a different mission, just knowing that our pack in the room may help us relax a little as the event warms up.

So ā€œgame onā€! ā€¦Here are all the happenings you should know about this week:

šŸŗ Tuesday April 30

šŸŗ Wednesday May 1

šŸŗ Thursday May 2

Play coyote bingo?
find another Social Coyote at your next event

Hereā€™s whatā€™s happening next week:

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