🐺 Dec 4 - How Do You Decide What To Attend?

All the San Diego happenings you should know about

This week is packed! It’s like every event organizer is squeezing in as much as possible before the December holidays.

At the Coyote, we have a few options as we curate a plethora of interesting events to share with our pack. We could trim the list down to make attending decisions a little easier, and risk eliminating something interesting.

Or we could suggest a few questions to ask ourselves to help simplify the decision-making process and leave our list a little more robust.

Let’s do a bit of both.

Here are a few questions to ask ourselves to help narrow down which events to choose. 

Is the goal to: 

  • Find a business partner or client?

  • Get advice on what we’re building?

  • Find a new perspective or learn something new?

  • Meet as many new people as possible?

  • Find a connection(s) that we’d want to meet up with again in the future? 

This is not a comprehensive list, but hopefully it helps narrow down the offerings and uncover the most ideal adventure for us

I’d love to hear what you ask yourself when considering what to attend!

With that, here’s what’s happening in San Diego that you should know about:

🐺 Monday December 4

🐺 Tuesday December 5

🐺 Wednesday December 6

🐺 Thursday December 7

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— For all the coyotes who like to plan ahead. Here’s what’s happening in San Diego next week:

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