🐺 Feb 26 - We're looking further into the future? 🔮

And all the San Diego happenings you should know about

🔮🐺 What would happen if we looked further into the future?

We’d catch events early before they filled up. Or our personal calendars did. We might even catch early bird pricing on some of our favorite events of the year, howl yeah!! Because we can plan ahead now.

To make this experiment possible, I’ve added a premium tier to help support the extra coyotes required to search and find more events further into the future.

No need to growl if this isn’t for you. Nothing will change about the current feed. We’re just adding more options for those in the pack who need more time to plan (career, busy startup, pups, chasing rabbits, you know.. pack life).

You can unlock this feature after the “...happening next week” section, and support the coyote at the same time. Thank you for joining the Prepared Prowler and for helping to support the Social Coyote. Yip yip. Howl yeah!

- Jonah 🐺
find me on LinkedIn

Here are all the happenings you should know about this week in San Diego:

🐺 Tuesday February 27

🐺 Wednesday February 28

🐺 Thursday February 29

want an easy way to help the pack?
Invite 1 person to an attend an event with us this week!

Here’s what’s happening next week:

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