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I’m sure you’ve heard of positive visualization. It’s where you imagine some kind of success or achievement to help manifest it into your life (the mind is quite powerful).

However, there’s also negative visualization. Think about self-criticism or self-doubt.

I hear this frequently when coyotes talk about remembering names. It’s common to hear, “I’m so bad at it,” which is a form of negative visualization. Which leads us to avoid trying, accepting this baseline, and continuing the cycle of being bad at it. It’s hard to improve once we’ve already accepted this fate.

But like anything worth doing (and this is really worth doing if you’d like to form new connections), it takes a little work. It requires practice, mistakes, and perhaps a shift in mentality.

So, If you find yourself saying, “I'm not good at remembering names,” just add the word “yet” to the end of the sentence. It’s a simple shift, but it will move you into the positive visualization category.

This coyote is getting better at it, but I’m not great…yet.

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