🐺 Oct 16 - A Very Packed 2 Weeks

All San Diego Happenings You Need To Know About

Our mission is actually quite simple. It may feel like it’s about promoting how adorable AI-generated coyotes can be (an indisputable fact). But these coyotes represent something much more important: A strong San Diego network.

As we spend time exploring our community, we form a stronger connection with those in it. Our networks become larger and we have the power to make even more connections. A snowball forms. We can use this rolling frozen orb to open up new paths that we didn’t even realize we’re there. Cool! (Note: I’m originally from Vermont and know a thing or two about snowballs).

We’ll continue gathering the most important San Diego events, if you promise to continue to leave your den to make meaningful connections. Deal?

With that, let’s roll into the events that should be on your radar this week:

🐺 Tuesday October 17

🐺 Wednesday October 18

🐺 Thursday October 19

🐺 Friday October 20

— For all the coyotes who like to plan ahead. Here’s what’s happening in San Diego next week:

🐺 Monday October 23

🐺 Tuesday October 24

🐺 Wednesday October 25

🐺 Thursday October 26

🐺 Friday October 27

I’ve rolled out a reward program to make sharing the Social Coyote a little more fun! Details (and personalized link) below. I’m really excited to hear what you think.

- Jonah 🐺

P.S. want to collaborate? I’m all ears, howl at me on LinkedIn

"Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success."

Henry Ford

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