🐺 Oct 2 - Let’s Take a Vacation From Our Comfort Zone

The San Diego Happenings You Need To Know About

Think of networking like a crescendo: it builds on itself. The more you go out the easier it gets.

As we continue to spend time in the community, faces become familiar and we become more comfortable with our story. Which over time transforms anxiety into excitement.

What started as a gentle rain forms a stream, then a creek, then river, all growing in size on it’s way to the ocean. So start small, over time you too will be floating down the mighty river.

With that in mind, let’s take a vacation from our comfort zone and start the river flowing. Here are the events that should be on your sonar this week in San Diego:

🐺 Tuesday October 3

🐺 Wednesday October 4

🐺 Thursday October 5

🐺 Friday October 6

🐺 Sunday October 8

— For all the coyotes who like to plan ahead. Here’s what’s happening in San Diego next week:

🐺 Tuesday October 10

🐺 Wednesday October 11

🐺 Thursday October 12

🐺 Friday October 13

🐺 Saturday October 14

— And a few more coyote-worthy things to have on your radar📡

Have a awesome week!

- Jonah 🐺

P.S. have an idea or event to share? Want to collaborate? I’m all ears, howl at me on LinkedIn.

The simple willingness to improvise is more vital, in the long run, than research.

Role Potts

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