🐺 Oct 9 - Super Coyotes and Epic Events

What should be on your radar in San Diego

A few folks have been howling at me with good questions. I figured I’d answer them here:

Where did the idea for the brand come from? Was the name a stroke of luck?

Truth is, a ton of thought went into it. It needed to be an animal and coyotes are local to San Diego. They form packs and work together. And of course, they are quite social. Have you heard them at night in the canyons lately?

Can we do more to help?

Of course! We’re experimenting with a concept called: Super Coyotes. An internal network of pack members who love networking, love this community and enjoy attending San Diego events. We’ll divide and conquer and share our findings in a private group.

If this feels like a “howl yeah” to you, let’s chat.

What’s the plan for the future?

We have a few very exciting things simmering: special events, helping founders network and strategic collaborations. But to be honest, this took off a little faster than anticipated and we haven’t had a chance to evaluate all the directions we could go in!

I’m always open to your ideas. This is a pack isn’t it?

With that, let’s dive into the events that should be on your radar this week:

🐺 Tuesday October 10

🐺 Wednesday October 11

🐺 Thursday October 12

🐺 Friday October 13

🐺 Saturday October 14

— For all the coyotes who like to plan ahead. Here’s what’s happening in San Diego next week:

🐺 Tuesday October 17

🐺 Wednesday October 18

🐺 Friday October 20

— And a few more coyote-worthy things to have on your radar📡

I hope you have an awesome week!

- Jonah 🐺

P.S. want to collaborate? I’m all ears, howl at me on LinkedIn

"The less confident you are, the more serious you have to act."

– Tara Ploughman (Paul Graham?!)

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