Sept 25 🐺 - It's Not Howl Maybe, It's Howl Yeah!

The happenings you need to know about this week

Was the Social Coyote shared with you? Subscribe here. Welcome to the pack – we're delighted to have you!

It isn’t “Howl Maybe”

it’s “Howl Yeah!”

It warms my furry heart to see so many “Howl Yeahs” on social media. It mean’s that we’re doing something special. We’re creating something more than events and newsletters. We’re building a community.

One thing that I find beautiful about communities here in San Diego is that there isn’t one to rule them all. We can be like Frodo in the Lord of the Rings and hang with the elf community and then see what the dwarf community is up to and…. okay, okay, enough with the LOTR metaphors.

What’s really special about San Diego is how interconnected it is. This overlap opens doors and we can drift through. All while expanding our packs and helping other founders and builders along the way.

But, to do this, we need to leave the safety of our comfortable den and say “Howl Yes” to new opportunities.

Oh, and wanna help this fluffy pack too while you’re out there? Share the Social Coyote with 1 new person and bring them in on the fun.

With that, here are the events that should be on your radar this week:

🐺 Tuesday September 26

🐺 Wednesday September 27

🐺 Thursday September 28

🐺 Friday September 29

— For all the coyotes who like to plan ahead. Here’s what’s happening in San Diego next week:

🐺 Tuesday October 3

🐺 Wednesday October 4

🐺 Thursday October 5

🐺 Friday October 6

— And a few more coyote-worthy things to have on your radar📡

Would you like to do more to help the pack? Reply and I’ll tell ya about Super Coyotes. Super Growl Yeah!

- Jonah 🐺

One does not accumulate but eliminate. It is not daily increase but daily decrease. The height of cultivation always runs to simplicity.

Bruce Lee

Fwd this email to 1 friend and let’s expand our San Diego tech networks together 🐾